Male Dolls
Underwear, socks and more for male dolls such as Michael, Gregor, Matt and Trent and male American Girl doll Logan
- 10" Michael T-shirt from $7.00
- 17" Matt or Trent socks $2.50
- 16" Gregor socks $2.50
- 16" Gregor white boy shorts $5.00
- 17" Matt or Trent Jockey shorts $5.00
- T-shirt for 17" Trent or Matt $6.00
- 10" Michael Jeggings $3.50
- Matte nude Protective tights for 17" Matt or Trent $4.50
- 16" Gregor T-shirt from $7.00
- 16" Gregor Print T-shirt from $7.00
- 17" Matt or Trent solid color tights $4.50
- 10" Michael socks $2.50
- 10" Michael Shorts $3.50
- 10" Tonner Michael white briefs $5.00
- 16" Gregor Pants $4.50
- Boy underwear briefs tighty-whitey shorts for 14" Wellie Wishers $5.00
- 16" Gregor Embroidered T-shirt from $7.50
- 12" Siblies boy doll Underwear Briefs $5.00